Tuesday, March 4, 2025

About Us

How Does it Work?

Event Announcement!The event will be announced on our Discord server.
The event announcement will contain the following details: the number of rounds and missions, required TableTop Simulator maps, round duration (how long you have to play your game), signup and result submission details, and any entry fee or prize details (if applicable).
Registration PeriodYou will need to sign up to the event and submit army lists for your chosen faction during the Registration Period. Each event will have different rules about army lists.
Tabletop Simulator MapsTabletop Simulator maps will be made available for you to play your games on. These maps will be available before the event from the IGL maps mod. You may wish to view them in preparation for the event.
Scheduling a GameOnce the rounds start you will be given the name of a player to play against. It is your responsibility to contact that player via Discord in order to arrange the game.
Play Your GameThis is what we’re here for, isn’t it it? Play your game on Tabletop Simulator and have a great time!
Submitting ResultsBefore the round is over you will need to submit the result of your game via the provided link!
RepeatThe process of scheduling, playing, and submitting the results of your game will repeat until the event ends. At the end of the event winners will be announced! There may be prize support for some events.

Meet the Team

Andrew Jones

I am Andrew Jones. I make videos to announce the league, and I do tournament administration . I also make YouTube videos about infinity under the ‘Singled Out Podcast’ channel, and also a podcast of the same name.

Single Out Podcast


BP dabbled in N2, and came back with the launch of N4 with a love for Nomads. He’s an Aussie-based moderator for the discord server.


Raymon Rodenburg aka Cabaray. Plays Infinity since N2 and became the Warcor for the Netherlands. For the IGL he is mainly a Mod, host of the WIP 12 Podcast and Mapmaker. Been a former White Noise host. Favours Ariadna above all others, but still collects, paints and plays everything.


CoilM started playing at the beginning of N4, and is mainly playing OSS and is mainly managing the technical part of the League, specifically the forms and data analysis.


Rob Paul is a skilled infinity player who resides in the Shark Tank of amazingly skilled individuals in the DC metro area. In the before times he would travel around the country (and the world) as part of the Mid-Atlantic travel team. He’s spent a respectable period of time at the top of the ITS rankings, and has been #1 in the US for a couple of ITS seasons in recent years. His nerd-famous accolades include a Victory at Rumble, the Rustbelt Ruckus, Baltimore Brawl, and others major tournaments, along with top placing at interplanetario and satellite tournaments around the country. He likes cats and is kinda fat.


I’m Oli (HeadChime) and I do most of the writing for IGL. Writing out documents like the rules or tournament briefings is my job. I also run the Haqqislam blog UnderBouraksSun and am one half of Infinity Academy. I’ve been playing since the beginning of N3.


I’m Chris (Iskandar) and started playing during N4, I mainly play Nomads but dabble in a few factions. I help manage the technical part of the League including the forms, data analysis and the website.


I host maps mod. I create maps. I mentor. I tryhard ITS. I am direct liaison with Micro Art Studio. I paint models for money. Please gib.


Discord moderator and general helper. Playing games since N3, winning games since never. Ardent Guilang enthusiast. Does not want you to apologise when your pet makes noises over Discord. Put them on. LET THEM PLAY.


WhyRockNoDie was introduced to Infinity with Red Veil in N3, and has been failing infiltrate rolls with Fidays ever since. If something is wrong with the Infinity base room mod, it’s his fault! Mostly making map and fixing broken map assets for the IGL


WiseKensai has been playing Infinity since N2 and has been writing about it for about as long. He does web stuff for IGL as well as other organizations. You can find his writing and other content below!


Generalist mod, I mostly just answer questions and help with sportsmanship stuff, and Mentor when I can. Also accidentally picked the most appropriate ITS name possible.